Distant Stars Mod Blog

Feedback of any kind is always welcome. Ideas, balance changes, and bug reporting of any kind is always useful!

Version 1.00 Released!

Make sure to ask for permission before republishing any part of this mod to the public!


Rebellion Logo

1.05 + DLC Compatible:

0.12 ALPHA Release:
Full Download:

Full Download MIRROR:

MD5: 69486D2FCD3F35E46E6F5EF8C9F1634A

Diplomacy Logo

1.34 Compatible:

1.01 Release:
Full Download:


Entrenchment Logo

1.051 Compatible:

Beta 0.9951 Release:
Full Download:

SoaSE Logo

1.14 - 1.181 Compatible:

Version 1.01:
Full Download:

Make sure to ask for permission before republishing any part of this mod to the public!

Multiplayer Games:
We've setup a thread for everyone to organise their multiplayer games in and also setup example times and dates for most people to meet up and start games. These are what we hope to be the main times for people to be around and want to play games together.

The times are:
4pm EST (9pm GMT) Saturdays & Sundays
9pm EST (2am GMT)
Saturdays & Sundays

If you want to organise other games please go ahead using the same topic to consolidate all the information in one place and hopefully get more games together within our community. These games are for PvP, PvAI & PvPvAIso come along and we'll get some games going!

We've setup a thread so you can all post your screenshots to share with us the Distant Stars team and its players. Im sure we're all intrigued to see what kinds of battles and events you've all been having on the mod aswell.

We know some of you guys love to role play whilst using Distant Stars, and here's a topic for you guys to post all of your role playing stories, character profiles and anything else you can imagine.

Some of you avid map makers out there have produced some great maps but never really had them recognised because they've got lost. Well here's a topic for you to post a link to the download (we can even provide mirrors if necessary) a screenshot or two of the map for us all the preview and if enough people like it we'll even include the map in with the actual mod!

Please visit our website and for more information, change logs, downloads, and to report bugs. Our website can be found here: http://distantstars.mmobase.com

Bug Reporting

If you want to report a bug please use the Bug Report feature on our website:

Please include as much information as possible, if you have an error log feel free to post it on these forums and we'll take it from there. If you can reproduce the error please include the error log (read below to find out how to enable error logs) and include as much detail on how to reproduce the problem.

To enable logging:
Windows Vista/Windows 7:
C:\Documents and Settings\<Your Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Setting
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and settings\<Your Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Setting

Open the user.setting file (using Notepad, Wordpad or any text editor) and scroll down to the bottom 7 lines from the bottom is the line:
LogOutput FALSE
Change FALSE to TRUE
LogOutput TRUE

and from then on any Log files will be saved to the debug folder:
Windows Vista/Windows 7:
C:\Documents and Settings\<Your Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Debug
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and settings\<Your Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Debug

If you get these log files to us (you can just paste them in to a forum post) we can hopefully get your issues sorted.

Frequently Asked Questions

All files are compressed using 7Zip to shrink the download filesize. To extract these files you must use WinRAR or 7Zip.
Any Patches should overwrite the original install directory, either by extracting over the original folder, or cut/copy & pasting over the existing file/folder structure.

1) My game keeps crashing, is there anything I can do to stop it?
i) Are you running the game on maximum (highest) settings? if so, lower them to High or Medium, there is a known issue with the game using up too much memory, there is nothing we can do about this, also no matter how powerful your pc is, it is affected by this issue no matter the pc it is not above this crashing issue, it is a game problem not a hardware one, so quite simply lower your settings. If you still have an issue with crashing see point two.
ii) Give us as detailed information as possible about the crash, what was happening at the time of the crash, what races, ships, abilities were involved. If you can supply a Debug Log (see above for more information about logging) and post a bug report on our website.

2) The loading screens and portrait pictures dont appear properly, whats wrong?
i) This is an issue with ATI based graphics cards (rarely affects Nvidia based cards) we're looking in to the issue.

3) Why dont you support converting Distant Stars in to TXT format?
i) Quite simply many things can go wrong with converting your mod to TXT, we cant help you with something you've probably broken yourself.

4) Can I mod Distant Stars for myself?
i) Yes you can however please do not distribute our mod or our mod that you have edited to the public. You must ask for permission to do so, we will regrettably stop distributing our mod to all if users abuse our work.

5) Your mod is in BIN format I can't edit the files, what can I do?
i) You can convert the mod to TXT format however we wont offer any support to versions of the mod that have been converted to TXT.

6) Why is Distant Stars distributed in BIN format?
i) Mods load faster in BIN format and are less likely to have issues in this format.

7) I'm having trouble installing the MOD, do you have any more instructions?
i) Carbon was kind enough to do some more advanced instructions out here.

8) Is there any way to make new maps for Distant Stars using GalaxyForge?
i) Within the Distant Stars Extras folder there is a folder called Galaxy Forge, Copy and Paste this folder (or its contents) over your original Galaxy Forge folder (or its contents) replacing any files if it asks you to. When you start Galaxy Forge next you'll be able to use all of our planets.

Or, the DIY approach (without custom icons):

ii) The GalaxyForge supplied by the devs will still work with our Mod, however to be able to access all of our planetary bonuses, templates, planet types and stars you will need to take our GalaxyScenarioDef.galaxyScenarioDef (found in the GameInfo folder of the mod) and place it in to your GalaxyForge folder, overwriting the original GalaxyScenarioDef.galaxyScenarioDef (if you still wish to make maps for the original game keep a backup of the original file). This will allow you to use all of the Galaxy changes included in our mod.

Note: Any maps made for Distant Stars will not work with other Mods. See #8.2 for DIY instructions for map making or take the appropriate files from Entrenchment, they're cross-client compatible.

Some statistics...

Since August 2009 to February 2011 we have had over...

400,000 Unique visits to the website
12,000GB (12TB) of data transferred from our website

That equates to over 60,000 Unique downloads of the entire mod, excluding the excess of 20,000 Patches downloaded. 

Thanks to everyone that has supported us this far and making our mod as popular as it is!


Comments (Page 183)
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on Mar 18, 2010

Hey Stant, I do actually have a local version of sins 1.191 compatible soase distant stars however it is no where near ready for release as its in the process of being upgraded with alot of the changes from DS Entrenchment.

The issue your having there is that the pipeline effect folder is unique to each SoaSE, Entrenchment and Diplomacy. Easiest way to fix it? Delete the entire folder only one file is now modified in there and it isnt necessary or anything major just shield opacity, so its infact easier to just get rid of the lot

on Mar 18, 2010

Okay.  Four bananas headed your way.  I fixed all of the main menu graphics so it looks like the unmodded version with the exception that it has the newer DS look to it, and the english.str file got updated accordingly to make all of the buttons work...  You need any of that?

on Mar 18, 2010

Two sets of colorful pictures coming your way, Nace.

on Mar 19, 2010

Hm have some Things here maybe you can think about it:


- Add the Colors Black, Dark Grey, White, Light Grey.

- Add another dark alien Race or another Type of Vasari with high Shields and a bit more like the Advent playstyle (good Defense and more a mass of Ships).

- Maybe change some Advent Ship and Structure Styles like the Carrier, Hangar Defense etc. (looking realy weird ... some of the other one are nice).

- Reduce those special planetary Bombing Skill Effect from the PIrates - they are much to big (dont know if the TEC Race have it too).

- Add a "Imperial Ship" Class (or something like that). Realy big Ships, only one per Race with modulating things (like the C&C3 Unit) and Levels - you have to balance the Crew and Fleet researches then.

- Change the stupid Bountysystem!!! The CPU only give Bounty on the Playerheads and this is a dumb when u only play alone (or most of the Time) ...

- More Avatars (Pictures) ...

- Maybe a connection between Avatar Gender and Voice, its a bit weird when u play a Female TEC and there is a Male Voice (same for the Advents).

- Maybe a Economy for the NPCs and Pirates on the free Planets (and the Pirate Base - think about Pirates who are capture Planets sometimes).

- Fix the Pirate Battleship, i dont know but 7k Hull and 9 Armor on Level 1 and it goes down realy fast is weird.


Hope u understand most of the Things, my English isnt the best. And thanks for this great Mod wich change the Basics of the Game not to much.

on Mar 19, 2010

Well, DS is more of an enhancement mod for Sins, not so much a recreation. We've added a few new units, but nothing major. So let me give my two cents item by item...

1. Nice idea to add more team colors, but they have enough colors for all and black would be impossible to see half of the time.

2. Creating another race would be a major edition, requiring massive work on rebalancing. Just tweaking the three races has been a hell of a task.

3. We like adding new models, as you can tell from work with the pirates, but we have very few people who can model and have the time to do so. If they offer, then it can be considered.

4. The pirates are made that powerful because mid-late in the game they become a joke. Especially with Entrenchment, the pirates are too weak to do any real damage. Although they are more powerful, mines alone allow me to gut their fleets. Just keep throwing cash at them.

5. "Imperial Ships" have been considered by many mods and there are usually walls that stop them. Aside from the above rendering issues, they also have to be delicately balanced, both in power and cost. Often times it doesn't work just because everyone wants to go bigger and bigger.

6. I play alone 99% of the time. Usually the AI goes for other AIs unless I expand too quickly. That's part of the design of the game that has been thoroughly explored in other threads. If you use diplomacy to your advantage or expand at moderate-slow rates, you get better results.

7. We have added Avatars. I only know of two people here doing 2-D and we're both working on menus. Again, if anyone wants to offer up or Nacey asks, then it might get a go.

8. I have no idea how the voice thing works. I don't think female images were originally part of the TEC, so that might be why. That would require scripting, recording, and other annoying things that I don't think we're equipped for. Again, if we get volunteers, it can be considered.

9. We thought of giving the militias and pirates both economies and the power to expand, but that means they have to have the full power of the AI behind them. As it is, we're already pushing the 2 Gb limit on memory usage. Other mods have done that and often crash.

10. Okay, Ryat might have to look at that. I'm not sure why it dies easily for you. Mine do too, but I hit then with 5-8 mines, then start shooting. Ryat has improved pirates if you want to try that mini-mod. I hear it'll leave you sore.

These are just my opinions. Not trying to knock you down. I would love to see a lot of this included. Hell, I would love to see 8 playable factions with drastically different play styles, but since the game, especially large maps, tends to slow down or crash when you push it, I don't know how much of this can be done. But again, if some of these are technically doable, then I hope someone volunteers.

on Mar 19, 2010

Dooling at the possiblilities for this game....in awe


Imperial Capitol Ship.

(Yes it is EVE but just ideas compared to other ships

Caldari Mother ShipWyvern


Cldari Titan Leviathan



I wish the Flagship did more then gain the senior mark....



Anyways I am not asking for DS to create this however could imagine the fear when this ships rolls into a gravity well.  The only way to make it fair would be to make it crawl.    Hmmm and take crystal or create a new column and use ti to jump systems.  Maybe a sins 2 idea.  New mining roids, which the big ships use for fuel and if you run out they dont jump.  In addition to antimatter.  Im going to double post this in sins 2 ideas.

on Mar 19, 2010

Thanks for the reply.

3. NP, just dont like those snail shell / spiral style on some Modells (Battleship and the last one as an example are nice). The Vasari frig Factory is weird too or as example the Vasari Starbase. This is just my opinion.

4. I mean the particle Effect wich is just to big.

6. Then i make something wrong, im most the time the weakest Player until i get enough Ressources to growth up (and then the enemy Fleets are most the Time bigger and stronger than mine) so im 100% not worth the Bounty. With the Map Creator i tested a Game with 4 AIs without any Human Player and they NEVER give each other a Bounty!

9. For the militias is a very simple AI enough in my opinion. Just that they are a bit more realistic so that TEC, Advent and Vasari are the dominating Races.

10. Dont tested with Mines, seeing that in the AI Game (i push the Bounty everytime against them btw because they can handle them alot better and i have to do this because they only using me for the Bounty ).

The Performance is realy a Problem, small Maps can be slowing down too when u reach a Point. But hell i love big Maps and i test Maps with up to 200 Stars atm because ~100 are much to small for me.

Lets hope that the optimization Project goes a positiv way (have disabled them because its glitching my colored Skyboxes and Planets ...).

Maybe Ironclad will do something for us too.


on Mar 19, 2010

3. I actually like the snails, but the Vasari factory is weird.

4. Oh, the particle effects? Okay, I can see that. Yeah, if these guys want to nerf the lights, that's cool.

6. I have no idea why they do that. Maybe the hardness or particular type of AI (aggressor, defensive, etc.) Can't help you.

9. Well, I could see given them just a small boost in abilities, but like I said, we're already pushing memory limits.

As for performance, if you're running on highest, cut it down a notch. Medium is the lowest I would be willing to play. Skyboxes seem to slow my machine down, so maybe you have to cut those out. That or Bloom. Bloom can do a lot. And always have anti-aliasing off.

If that doesn't help, good luck.

on Mar 19, 2010

Hey guys, I hate to say it, but the mod doesn't work with the latest update. They've added a button in the main menu. I copied over the main menu window file, but now I've got to go add a string reference, and find a brush, assuming that's the only problem. It was able to skip these errors and still bring up the menu, but the outline, I guess is what I'd call it, around the buttons is now too small and doesn't look right. If I'm right, it's just a couple of minor file changes that need to be done, but the game doesn't want to start the mod and I have to tell it to skip the errors it reports. Hope you can fix this soon.

on Mar 19, 2010

Its like i say only the "special one" from the Siege Frigs (dont know the Name atm) wich they use for the first Rounds before they comming with bigger Ships. They have some Skill wich fires Rockets and THIS explosion is mostly bigger than the Planet (and they fires 2-3 or more at once).

Lowering the Settings is maybe a way but doesnt help realy much and i like the highest Textures a lot ... =/

Anyway i will try a bit.


@AEyikanRyer: Wich Button did u mean?

on Mar 19, 2010

There are now two buttons in the menu for the other games: they added a button to play normal sins, as well as the button to play entrenchment. Entrenchment has a button for normal sins and Diplomacy, and you can see where it's going. I suppose the game may just ignore these things if you have show errors set to false, but I mod myself some so I keep it set to true. Like I said, the game seems willing to skip this, but I've been unable to find the missing brush anywhere, so the game's going to continuously give me an error.

on Mar 19, 2010

- Add the Colors Black, Dark Grey, White, Light Grey.

Black doesnt work. Trust me Ive tried it. White is ok. But anyhow you can all the colors you want using the color file. Even the text color.


- Add another dark alien Race or another Type of Vasari with high Shields and a bit more like the Advent playstyle (good Defense and more a mass of Ships).

I can honestly say the chances of us adding another race is -99.99999999%.


- Maybe change some Advent Ship and Structure Styles like the Carrier, Hangar Defense etc. (looking realy weird ... some of the other one are nice).

We wont change any of original stuff b/c thats not what this mod is about. Unless its bugged, then we will just fix it.


- Reduce those special planetary Bombing Skill Effect from the PIrates - they are much to big (dont know if the TEC Race have it too).

That is from an added mod. Most of us have very little knowlege with particles.


- Add a "Imperial Ship" Class (or something like that). Realy big Ships, only one per Race with modulating things (like the C&C3 Unit) and Levels - you have to balance the Crew and Fleet researches then.

Simple wont happen.


- Change the stupid Bountysystem!!! The CPU only give Bounty on the Playerheads and this is a dumb when u only play alone (or most of the Time) ...

Its hardcoded. We cant touch it if we wanted.


- More Avatars (Pictures) ...

We see if we can find some we like.


- Maybe a connection between Avatar Gender and Voice, its a bit weird when u play a Female TEC and there is a Male Voice (same for the Advents).

You cant, Unless you make a whole new race with female only voices and avatars. The game only reconizes one set of sounds per race.


- Maybe a Economy for the NPCs and Pirates on the free Planets (and the Pirate Base - think about Pirates who are capture Planets sometimes).

There was a mod that gave neturals ability to expand and build fleets. It was awesome but it ground the game to halt. So it wont make it here sadly.


- Fix the Pirate Battleship, i dont know but 7k Hull and 9 Armor on Level 1 and it goes down realy fast is weird.

Im not sure why you mean fix. Its working as intened. Pirates dont get migitation. So they pop under really any kind of FF. If you want hellish pirates use the Powerful Pirate mini-mod.

Remember you can always make your own personal DS version by editing things you want to change. Just as long as you dont redestribute it without permission. I for example have a Carbon Edtion of Distant Stars I usually use. Mostly b/c Ive changed, some basic gameplay settings, changed a few colors and added a metric ton of music. And I know Ryat has Evil Pirates he uses beyond Powerful Pirates. Those are a few examples that even the team tweaks DS to our playstyles. Really the version we put out is the best merger of all of our ideas and tweaks.




on Mar 19, 2010

Hey guys, I hate to say it, but the mod doesn't work with the latest update.

The mod works just fine. Its just the main menu is off b/c of the new buttons but game works just fine. It will be fix in the next update. Its not priority b/c its just the main menu.

on Mar 20, 2010

And I know Ryat has Evil Pirates he uses beyond Powerful Pirates.

and they are under my control


on Mar 20, 2010

And I still have the blow pirate up button safely installed on each of my planets.

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