Distant Stars Mod Blog

Feedback of any kind is always welcome. Ideas, balance changes, and bug reporting of any kind is always useful!

Version 1.00 Released!

Make sure to ask for permission before republishing any part of this mod to the public!


Rebellion Logo

1.05 + DLC Compatible:

0.12 ALPHA Release:
Full Download:

Full Download MIRROR:

MD5: 69486D2FCD3F35E46E6F5EF8C9F1634A

Diplomacy Logo

1.34 Compatible:

1.01 Release:
Full Download:


Entrenchment Logo

1.051 Compatible:

Beta 0.9951 Release:
Full Download:

SoaSE Logo

1.14 - 1.181 Compatible:

Version 1.01:
Full Download:

Make sure to ask for permission before republishing any part of this mod to the public!

Multiplayer Games:
We've setup a thread for everyone to organise their multiplayer games in and also setup example times and dates for most people to meet up and start games. These are what we hope to be the main times for people to be around and want to play games together.

The times are:
4pm EST (9pm GMT) Saturdays & Sundays
9pm EST (2am GMT)
Saturdays & Sundays

If you want to organise other games please go ahead using the same topic to consolidate all the information in one place and hopefully get more games together within our community. These games are for PvP, PvAI & PvPvAIso come along and we'll get some games going!

We've setup a thread so you can all post your screenshots to share with us the Distant Stars team and its players. Im sure we're all intrigued to see what kinds of battles and events you've all been having on the mod aswell.

We know some of you guys love to role play whilst using Distant Stars, and here's a topic for you guys to post all of your role playing stories, character profiles and anything else you can imagine.

Some of you avid map makers out there have produced some great maps but never really had them recognised because they've got lost. Well here's a topic for you to post a link to the download (we can even provide mirrors if necessary) a screenshot or two of the map for us all the preview and if enough people like it we'll even include the map in with the actual mod!

Please visit our website and for more information, change logs, downloads, and to report bugs. Our website can be found here: http://distantstars.mmobase.com

Bug Reporting

If you want to report a bug please use the Bug Report feature on our website:

Please include as much information as possible, if you have an error log feel free to post it on these forums and we'll take it from there. If you can reproduce the error please include the error log (read below to find out how to enable error logs) and include as much detail on how to reproduce the problem.

To enable logging:
Windows Vista/Windows 7:
C:\Documents and Settings\<Your Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Setting
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and settings\<Your Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Setting

Open the user.setting file (using Notepad, Wordpad or any text editor) and scroll down to the bottom 7 lines from the bottom is the line:
LogOutput FALSE
Change FALSE to TRUE
LogOutput TRUE

and from then on any Log files will be saved to the debug folder:
Windows Vista/Windows 7:
C:\Documents and Settings\<Your Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Debug
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and settings\<Your Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Debug

If you get these log files to us (you can just paste them in to a forum post) we can hopefully get your issues sorted.

Frequently Asked Questions

All files are compressed using 7Zip to shrink the download filesize. To extract these files you must use WinRAR or 7Zip.
Any Patches should overwrite the original install directory, either by extracting over the original folder, or cut/copy & pasting over the existing file/folder structure.

1) My game keeps crashing, is there anything I can do to stop it?
i) Are you running the game on maximum (highest) settings? if so, lower them to High or Medium, there is a known issue with the game using up too much memory, there is nothing we can do about this, also no matter how powerful your pc is, it is affected by this issue no matter the pc it is not above this crashing issue, it is a game problem not a hardware one, so quite simply lower your settings. If you still have an issue with crashing see point two.
ii) Give us as detailed information as possible about the crash, what was happening at the time of the crash, what races, ships, abilities were involved. If you can supply a Debug Log (see above for more information about logging) and post a bug report on our website.

2) The loading screens and portrait pictures dont appear properly, whats wrong?
i) This is an issue with ATI based graphics cards (rarely affects Nvidia based cards) we're looking in to the issue.

3) Why dont you support converting Distant Stars in to TXT format?
i) Quite simply many things can go wrong with converting your mod to TXT, we cant help you with something you've probably broken yourself.

4) Can I mod Distant Stars for myself?
i) Yes you can however please do not distribute our mod or our mod that you have edited to the public. You must ask for permission to do so, we will regrettably stop distributing our mod to all if users abuse our work.

5) Your mod is in BIN format I can't edit the files, what can I do?
i) You can convert the mod to TXT format however we wont offer any support to versions of the mod that have been converted to TXT.

6) Why is Distant Stars distributed in BIN format?
i) Mods load faster in BIN format and are less likely to have issues in this format.

7) I'm having trouble installing the MOD, do you have any more instructions?
i) Carbon was kind enough to do some more advanced instructions out here.

8) Is there any way to make new maps for Distant Stars using GalaxyForge?
i) Within the Distant Stars Extras folder there is a folder called Galaxy Forge, Copy and Paste this folder (or its contents) over your original Galaxy Forge folder (or its contents) replacing any files if it asks you to. When you start Galaxy Forge next you'll be able to use all of our planets.

Or, the DIY approach (without custom icons):

ii) The GalaxyForge supplied by the devs will still work with our Mod, however to be able to access all of our planetary bonuses, templates, planet types and stars you will need to take our GalaxyScenarioDef.galaxyScenarioDef (found in the GameInfo folder of the mod) and place it in to your GalaxyForge folder, overwriting the original GalaxyScenarioDef.galaxyScenarioDef (if you still wish to make maps for the original game keep a backup of the original file). This will allow you to use all of the Galaxy changes included in our mod.

Note: Any maps made for Distant Stars will not work with other Mods. See #8.2 for DIY instructions for map making or take the appropriate files from Entrenchment, they're cross-client compatible.

Some statistics...

Since August 2009 to February 2011 we have had over...

400,000 Unique visits to the website
12,000GB (12TB) of data transferred from our website

That equates to over 60,000 Unique downloads of the entire mod, excluding the excess of 20,000 Patches downloaded. 

Thanks to everyone that has supported us this far and making our mod as popular as it is!


Comments (Page 175)
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on Feb 26, 2010

You can turn pirates off in the game options menu, the one where you set game speed, fleet size, and whether or not teams are locked.  That's the only way to not have the super-powered pirates.

on Feb 26, 2010


Really, usually with each patch I repatch from 0.5 up to current, it usually only takes 15 minutes most so not it isn't hard at all

A lot more went into it then just simply repatching, as I'm sure you already know.  =]

I tried the best I could to replicate the checksum he had to know for sure what the problem was.  Had some issues downloading the mod files, had some issues pop up with my pc from repeatedly starting and stopping the game, had a ton of issues with the forums which would drive anybody nuts...

Sometimes everything work's out well, sometimes they don't.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the problem gets fixed, it was time well spent.  =]


But erhm.. I'm currently using the Diplomacy version, and I have a couple of problems with it. Least important is the GFX enhancements. I know they're hugely popular, but weirdo that I am, I thought the battle effects were overdone by Iron Clad already, so is there any way to get rid of yours without disabling the rest of the mod?

You could always delete the files for the effects you don't like.  That's the easiest way to eliminate them.  Of course, you would have to know which ones to delete and doing so could change your checksum and then you won't be able to play online with anyone else using the mod.  May I suggest going into the options menu where the effects are and just turning everything off and setting them to low there instead?  It will make things look a lot less pretty saving lots of gfx processor power, but still retaining full function and checksum value.


got a crash for you 

with the diplomacy 0.6 version


Speaking from experience, believe it or not, that's actually not a problem with the sound.  Your graphics are set too high.  Turn them down, saves on memory, that problem goes away.  If you're running everything at highest, set them to high.  Maybe even set the planets to medium.  Removing the bloom effect does wonders too.




on Feb 26, 2010

Just so its known I've now uploaded a mirror to the TXT based files for DEFAULT SoaSE Diplomacy files, as mentioned above we will not be releasing TXT versions of distant stars nor will we support these files, they are just there for those that wish to mod the files to use. Also included is a changed files folder so only the files that have changed since the patch before that version are included.

OK, I tried out V.6 and I just saw that the structure prices of every race is too high...Can you please fix this?

Distant Stars uses default structure prices as the original game. The only prices we have increased are capital ships costs due to their increased strength(s).

got a crash for you 

with the diplomacy 0.6 version


As stant mentioned thats a client issue and not a mod issue, try lowering your graphics settings to high / medium and it sure cure the issue.

First of all: thanks a ton for all of this, all of you. DS

But erhm.. I'm currently using the Diplomacy version, and I have a couple of problems with it. Least important is the GFX enhancements. I know they're hugely popular, but weirdo that I am, I thought the battle effects were overdone by Iron Clad already, so is there any way to get rid of yours without disabling the rest of the mod?

More importantly, is there any way to disable the super-pirates? I love the concept. Pirates as no more than a sometime source of CapShip XP was dull. But now it's the opposite problem. I've played a couple of games now where the pirates managed to wipe out more AIs than I did, and that's actually worse than the useless pirates, I think.

Currently there isnt an easy way to do this however removing the particle folder (deleting or renaming it would work) should remove alot of the extra effects, however I must warn you it may break a few graphics.
We're still working on the pirates for Diplomacy with their new buffs ours have been unintentionally buffed also and considering ours were already powerful its kind of pushed them past what we intended.

on Feb 26, 2010

You could always delete the files for the effects you don't like.  That's the easiest way to eliminate them.  Of course, you would have to know which ones to delete and doing so could change your checksum and then you won't be able to play online with anyone else using the mod.  May I suggest going into the options menu where the effects are and just turning everything off and setting them to low there instead?  It will make things look a lot less pretty saving lots of gfx processor power, but still retaining full function and checksum value.

Hmm... Just to make myself clear, I'm not suffering performance problems. I'm suffering aesthetics problems. Decreasing the visual quality will only compound them, I'm afraid.

I gather the GFX modifications are kept as a separate mod in the DS package for the expansion-free version of Sins. If so, could I use a copy of that do determine which files I need to remove from the Diplomacy version of DS, without introducing weirdness? - I know it will introduce checksum problems, but I hardly ever have time to play friends & never strangers, so it's a non-issue for me. Thanks for the warning though.


Also, not to seem too impatient, but is there an ETA on a fix for the pirates?


Thanks for the help & for all your work. The scope of DS is mind-blowing, in the very best of ways. It must be a nightmare to work on. Please don't stop

on Feb 26, 2010

the majority of the mod is one core so no go on that sorry (the gfx was introduced for the original, we've just kept them in that long)

only powerful pirates and dynamic movement are kept seperate

as too the pirates they should be changed over by next patch

on Feb 26, 2010

Not trying to be rude by being blunt here, but do you suffer from epilepsy?  I ask because you're not really saying what the problem is with the graphics other then they're overdone and reducing makes things worse, so all I can come up with is that you're trying to maintain the look of the game at a high level but have less lights flashing on the screen from the weapons fire and explosions.  Especially considering how plain the originals are, which you said you didn't care for either.  Honestly, if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong and I apologise, but if this is the case, then I think given some time, maybe a workable solution can be provided.  At any rate, an example of the exact issue with as many details as you can give would help out a lot.  No one can give anything besides general help if only general information is provided.  Outside of that, all I can say is follow Nacey's advice whenever it's given since he is the man running the project.  Delete the particle folder, rename it, move it somewhere else...

on Feb 27, 2010

the majority of the mod is one core so no go on that sorry (the gfx was introduced for the original, we've just kept them in that long)

only powerful pirates and dynamic movement are kept seperate

as too the pirates they should be changed over by next patch

Too bad, but thanks for the explanation. I'm really, really looking forward to the next update

Not trying to be rude by being blunt here, but do you suffer from epilepsy?  I ask because you're not really saying what the problem is with the graphics other then they're overdone and reducing makes things worse, so all I can come up with is that you're trying to maintain the look of the game at a high level but have less lights flashing on the screen from the weapons fire and explosions.  Especially considering how plain the originals are, which you said you didn't care for either.  Honestly, if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong and I apologise, but if this is the case, then I think given some time, maybe a workable solution can be provided.  At any rate, an example of the exact issue with as many details as you can give would help out a lot.  No one can give anything besides general help if only general information is provided.  Outside of that, all I can say is follow Nacey's advice whenever it's given since he is the man running the project.  Delete the particle folder, rename it, move it somewhere else...

Don't worry, you're not being rude. I'm furtunately not epileptic, but you're right that I'd like to get rid of the flashy combat effects without descreasing the overall graphical quality of the game. I know everyone else thinks the flashier effects i DS are an improvement and that the original effects were plain. I think that even the original effects are too flashy. But it's just my personal preference, you're welcome to think I'm a little crazy. I probably am

I'll try removing the particle folder tonight & see what happens. If it's anything terribly glitchy, I'll post back on the odd chance I'm not alone with my graphics preferences.


Thanks for the help guys.

Edit: I've disabled the particles folder, and from my very limited testing it doesn't appear to cause any instability, serious bugs or glitches. Most effects wholly or partially reverts to the originals, and a couple go missing altogether. All in all, it's both a better and worse solution than the one I was asking for. Thanks again, guys. And if anyone else shares my preferences, you might want to try this.

on Feb 28, 2010

Glad to see disabling the particles has helped atleast a little with the problem were having. To answer your question about when the other patch should be coming out, all going well it should be out by the end of this week, which should also include the pirates nerfs.

on Mar 01, 2010

Im probably gonna sound stupid asking this but does this work when the game is in v 1.91 cause im downloading it right now and i saw it said its compatible with versions 1.14 to 1.181 so would this work with my version of the game? also im new to modding a game so if i can get any help on how to get this to work that would greatly appreciated.

on Mar 01, 2010

It will not work with 1.91.

on Mar 01, 2010

so what would i need to do uninstall and reinstall the game then? or do i have to wait until its compatible with my version of the game?


on Mar 01, 2010

Your only option is to wait till we update the vanilla version or buy Entrechment and use that version. Or find Harpos mod tools, and update it yourself.

on Mar 01, 2010

any idea on how long that would be until its out?


on Mar 01, 2010

In the words of Michelangelo (the artist not the turtle) to Pope Julius

"When it is finished"

on Mar 01, 2010

Thanks to the DS team for all their hard work, I love this mod.Hopefully the new diplomacy version comes out soon, as it's hard for me to play without dynamic movement. 

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