Distant Stars Mod Blog

Feedback of any kind is always welcome. Ideas, balance changes, and bug reporting of any kind is always useful!

Version 1.00 Released!

Make sure to ask for permission before republishing any part of this mod to the public!


Rebellion Logo

1.05 + DLC Compatible:

0.12 ALPHA Release:
Full Download:

Full Download MIRROR:

MD5: 69486D2FCD3F35E46E6F5EF8C9F1634A

Diplomacy Logo

1.34 Compatible:

1.01 Release:
Full Download:


Entrenchment Logo

1.051 Compatible:

Beta 0.9951 Release:
Full Download:

SoaSE Logo

1.14 - 1.181 Compatible:

Version 1.01:
Full Download:

Make sure to ask for permission before republishing any part of this mod to the public!

Multiplayer Games:
We've setup a thread for everyone to organise their multiplayer games in and also setup example times and dates for most people to meet up and start games. These are what we hope to be the main times for people to be around and want to play games together.

The times are:
4pm EST (9pm GMT) Saturdays & Sundays
9pm EST (2am GMT)
Saturdays & Sundays

If you want to organise other games please go ahead using the same topic to consolidate all the information in one place and hopefully get more games together within our community. These games are for PvP, PvAI & PvPvAIso come along and we'll get some games going!

We've setup a thread so you can all post your screenshots to share with us the Distant Stars team and its players. Im sure we're all intrigued to see what kinds of battles and events you've all been having on the mod aswell.

We know some of you guys love to role play whilst using Distant Stars, and here's a topic for you guys to post all of your role playing stories, character profiles and anything else you can imagine.

Some of you avid map makers out there have produced some great maps but never really had them recognised because they've got lost. Well here's a topic for you to post a link to the download (we can even provide mirrors if necessary) a screenshot or two of the map for us all the preview and if enough people like it we'll even include the map in with the actual mod!

Please visit our website and for more information, change logs, downloads, and to report bugs. Our website can be found here: http://distantstars.mmobase.com

Bug Reporting

If you want to report a bug please use the Bug Report feature on our website:

Please include as much information as possible, if you have an error log feel free to post it on these forums and we'll take it from there. If you can reproduce the error please include the error log (read below to find out how to enable error logs) and include as much detail on how to reproduce the problem.

To enable logging:
Windows Vista/Windows 7:
C:\Documents and Settings\<Your Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Setting
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and settings\<Your Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Setting

Open the user.setting file (using Notepad, Wordpad or any text editor) and scroll down to the bottom 7 lines from the bottom is the line:
LogOutput FALSE
Change FALSE to TRUE
LogOutput TRUE

and from then on any Log files will be saved to the debug folder:
Windows Vista/Windows 7:
C:\Documents and Settings\<Your Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Debug
Windows XP:
C:\Documents and settings\<Your Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Debug

If you get these log files to us (you can just paste them in to a forum post) we can hopefully get your issues sorted.

Frequently Asked Questions

All files are compressed using 7Zip to shrink the download filesize. To extract these files you must use WinRAR or 7Zip.
Any Patches should overwrite the original install directory, either by extracting over the original folder, or cut/copy & pasting over the existing file/folder structure.

1) My game keeps crashing, is there anything I can do to stop it?
i) Are you running the game on maximum (highest) settings? if so, lower them to High or Medium, there is a known issue with the game using up too much memory, there is nothing we can do about this, also no matter how powerful your pc is, it is affected by this issue no matter the pc it is not above this crashing issue, it is a game problem not a hardware one, so quite simply lower your settings. If you still have an issue with crashing see point two.
ii) Give us as detailed information as possible about the crash, what was happening at the time of the crash, what races, ships, abilities were involved. If you can supply a Debug Log (see above for more information about logging) and post a bug report on our website.

2) The loading screens and portrait pictures dont appear properly, whats wrong?
i) This is an issue with ATI based graphics cards (rarely affects Nvidia based cards) we're looking in to the issue.

3) Why dont you support converting Distant Stars in to TXT format?
i) Quite simply many things can go wrong with converting your mod to TXT, we cant help you with something you've probably broken yourself.

4) Can I mod Distant Stars for myself?
i) Yes you can however please do not distribute our mod or our mod that you have edited to the public. You must ask for permission to do so, we will regrettably stop distributing our mod to all if users abuse our work.

5) Your mod is in BIN format I can't edit the files, what can I do?
i) You can convert the mod to TXT format however we wont offer any support to versions of the mod that have been converted to TXT.

6) Why is Distant Stars distributed in BIN format?
i) Mods load faster in BIN format and are less likely to have issues in this format.

7) I'm having trouble installing the MOD, do you have any more instructions?
i) Carbon was kind enough to do some more advanced instructions out here.

8) Is there any way to make new maps for Distant Stars using GalaxyForge?
i) Within the Distant Stars Extras folder there is a folder called Galaxy Forge, Copy and Paste this folder (or its contents) over your original Galaxy Forge folder (or its contents) replacing any files if it asks you to. When you start Galaxy Forge next you'll be able to use all of our planets.

Or, the DIY approach (without custom icons):

ii) The GalaxyForge supplied by the devs will still work with our Mod, however to be able to access all of our planetary bonuses, templates, planet types and stars you will need to take our GalaxyScenarioDef.galaxyScenarioDef (found in the GameInfo folder of the mod) and place it in to your GalaxyForge folder, overwriting the original GalaxyScenarioDef.galaxyScenarioDef (if you still wish to make maps for the original game keep a backup of the original file). This will allow you to use all of the Galaxy changes included in our mod.

Note: Any maps made for Distant Stars will not work with other Mods. See #8.2 for DIY instructions for map making or take the appropriate files from Entrenchment, they're cross-client compatible.

Some statistics...

Since August 2009 to February 2011 we have had over...

400,000 Unique visits to the website
12,000GB (12TB) of data transferred from our website

That equates to over 60,000 Unique downloads of the entire mod, excluding the excess of 20,000 Patches downloaded. 

Thanks to everyone that has supported us this far and making our mod as popular as it is!


Comments (Page 295)
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on Mar 17, 2011


Also, should the pirates be THIS strong on their third raid?

I mean, come on! 54 cutthroats, 44 corsairs, 20 reapers, 11 rogues, 17 pillagers, and 1 battleship! they wiped my planet clean in under 30 seconds and took 1/3 of my fleet with them! I was begging for the Vaseline as I told my fleet to retreat!

Definitely a bounty raid.  When the pirates are set loose on the timer, a computer player usually spices things up by adding a bounty to you as well if the pirates aren't already on another bounty raid.  Like Draak said, build some mines if you have the research available.  Even a half dozen mines can reduce their fleet to pitiful amounts of ships...  At least until they do their "Oh you have mines? That's nice...  We'll just skip right over those." research.


They can do that?!?!? Lord have mercy!

on Mar 17, 2011

hey hey, sort of

The Reapers, which are the anti-strike craft vessels, come with mine detection. Though that is only with Powerful Pirates mini-mod enabled.

on Mar 17, 2011

Yeah, never tried powerful pirates. Even then, that would keep them in place for a time. I place mines at the jump in location anyway and race for the upgrade tech.

on Mar 17, 2011

If you play Singleplayer and see that a Raid is comming, stop the Game, Save and then raise the Bounty on the Enemy, do this 3-5 times and hope you are faster than the AI and the Raid should go to them and not to you.

on Mar 17, 2011

It depends. Once I get the mine tech, I use them early game to lvl up my caps. After that I'm more interested in wasting them or funneling them elsewhere. Nice way to make them useful and then avoid dealing with their mine negation tech.

on Mar 17, 2011


Quoting Stant123, reply 4410
They can do that?!?!? Lord have mercy!


That's nothing, I've seen pirates raids in the hundreds and in the thousands on the pirate world during the course of a game.  Keep in mind, my game has fleet supply scaled to 1000 to keep the lag down.   Of course, that was before I scaled the cap ships/cruisers (for quality), slot counts (some), and raid info.  Still, not fun seeing that after a 6 and half hour game wondering what's inducing all the lag.

on Mar 17, 2011

Whoa... I came across a pirate colonized Gas Giant guarded by 26 cap ships and i didn't bother to look at the number of escorts.... 


Granted at this point (a new game) i had maxed my military and defense techs and had a large enough experienced fleet to go in and fight them... took about 2/3 of the fleet and all my caps survived but the battle... OH the battle was GLORIOUS! Turned the HUD off and had fun clicking from ship to ship and just followed it through the combat at full zoom! It was AWESOME! (no lag with max settings either) The best ones were following a bomber for a while through the battle at full zoom and following a cobalt through its attack runs. That dynamic movement mod really makes it cool, not to mention the pick of sound track at the time was perfectly matched, kinda desperate but heroic sounding!


Hat's off to the DS Team for this ride!


Would have been awesome if there was a way as the bomber/fighter was being followed that close and it was like 1 or 2 hits before being destroyed hearing the pilot crying out something like "They're all over me!"  or "I can't shake 'em!" then BOOM!


Side note: I did notice at this level, if you select the 'fleet' and target one ship, say a capital ship, it overrides the dynamic movement and EVERY ship closes to point blank on that 1 target and doesn't move until it is destroyed.  During the normal, undirected, the cobalts, light carriers, and heavy cruisers, along with the anti-fighter craft engage in strafing runs and pursuit runs while I've noticed the  missile, torpedo, and capital ships all seem to take up max distance positions and begin attacks. Granted this is the "Expected" real world tactic hoped for, is that the programed one? (with the exception of the close and sit still attack on the 1 targeted ship)

on Mar 18, 2011

My brother had something around 3000 pirate vessels once sitting at their base waiting for him. It was mentioned a while back. Took forever for him to finally destroy them all. I think 500 of them were caps.

Anyway, that list sounds okay for dynamic movement, but I don't see why light carriers should really get into it at all and heavy cruisers (kodiaks at least) suffer a bit from having forward firing weaponry. Caps like the Kol and Dunov I could see. Oddly, the Marza seems to be largely forward firing despite using so many missiles.

on Mar 18, 2011

My guess is because originally it was a small planetoid destruction and recovery vehicle...  (According to the game manual)  So it faces it's target to shoot since aside from the addition of missiles, everything else was already in place.


Why bother retrofitting targeting systems when by design caps in the Sins universe pull up and park next to their targets...

on Mar 18, 2011

Large fleets and ships in the hundreds are only good for lolz.  That's why I reduced the fleet supply in my games.  I can play 75-100 planet games with 9 players with reasonable amount of late game lag (usually go 2 and half hours before any noticeable lag kicks in).  Granted, I have numerous other tweaks on, but you get my point (and all I'm using is distant stars with a transparent hud, no other inbuilt mods besides what's there).  Works well in my LAN games.

on Mar 18, 2011

Large fleets and ships in the hundreds are only good for lolz.

They make for some great screen shots too.

on Mar 18, 2011


They make for some great screen shots too.

And that justifies the lack of any plausible gameplay... how?  I'm not saying less is more, but with the right balance of the two and proper scaling of ships for quality will equal something closer to what you want out of the game.

on Mar 18, 2011

Dunno. I run fine. The number of planets seem to be a cause for more issues than number of ships for me. Of course, I fight with minimal numbers while trying to keep my casualties as low as possible.

My point was simply that ships like the Kodiak would have to either have turreting weapons or pack real punch to make strafing runs work better than sitting and duking it out. As it stands, if a Kodiak swings by and gets off two shots, then any vessel that can shoot in multiple directions (say, a Garda) will do better for itself because it gets the Kodiak on both the approach and the departure.

on Mar 18, 2011
Sadly we play with the pirates off in DS because they are such a huge game breaker for our group. That is why I have a 'weaker' pirates mod on the 'list of things to do'. Unless someone else wants to make it as an add-on for DS? Also, since the newest patch includes data fixes and reference fixes ect that TSOP had in their mod ... has anyone checked to make sure that DS is not overwriting these fixed files when the mod is enabled? We could probably slim the mod down a bit and not include the files that have been revised and corrected.
on Mar 18, 2011

DS already incorporated TSOP's work where it didn't directly conflict with the intent of the mod.

Examples of TSOP's work included would be reference fixes, typo corrections, textures all converted to dds format, etc.

Examples of TSOP's work not included would be any reduced texture/mesh that clearly takes away from the visual appeal of the game.  Some necessities of the past like planets and trade ship textures, while they were included to help with the memory issue, in the future will probably not be included since they're not necessary reductions anymore.


The most recent updates to the core game that incorporated TSOP's work is just Stardock/Ironclad catching up to the rest of us, and as far as I've been able to tell, all of the files that were fixed in the core game are still necessary to be included into DS since there have been further modifications to them.  I haven't gone through all of them, so I wouldn't doubt that there are probably a few in there, but that's just what I'm seeing so far.



As for the pirates, their system got an overhaul, so the odds are the DS pirates are going to need an overhaul as well.  It's not the first time this has happened.  DS pirates were modified in such a way that they became a viable force to have to be dealt with under the former system.  Under the present system, those modifications are likely being amplified.  More so since the computer players now participate in bid wars super funding the pirate faction.  This is just a guess since I haven't had the time to sit down and look at them and digest the changes, but it's an educated guess none the less.

As for a weaker pirates mod, I think Ryat said he'd look into it after the official release of the patch and he had the time to sit down and look everything over.  So I would expect something to happen to the pirates, either via a DS update, or at the very least a minimod update.  Personally, I've always liked the powerful pirates, and the last time Stardock/Ironclad messed with the pirates they became damn near invincible pirates (which I'm still waiting for my copy of.    ) with the powerful pirates minimod enabled. 

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